Distorded Chemistery

"Distorded Chemistery" is a title sequence of a fictional movie.

Synopsis :

Mark is a young student in his twenties. He has an LSD addiction and tries to escape his own intellect.  During one of his trips ,in a club, he gets a slight glimpse of a sublim woman and becomes obsessed  with her. Between his distorted reality due to his LSD addiction and his desire to catch her he finds him self in a mind breaking track.


Items and softwares used  : Premiere Pro , Photoshop , Aftereffect , GIMP, Kaleidoscope , Canon 7D .

Stuck in the Middle

"Stuck in the Middle" is a short film about a girl suffering from depression and anxiety .

Items and softwares used  : Promiere Pro , Aftereffect , Canon 7D .